caption for quick escape

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There’s something about beautiful, meaningful, or impactful travel quotes that have always spoken to me–and I’m sure I’m not alone in remembering spending days doodling travel captions in the margins of notebooks during school or work as inspiration to work toward the next big adventure.
We’ve put together this gigantic list of the best short travel quotes around to help inspire your next adventures (or just help you find some short travel captions for Instagram, whatever works for you!), including everything from world-famous adventure quotes to short quotes about traveling pulled from some of my favorite travel books and memoirs.
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While this is one of the most famous travel quotes out there, it’s as controversial as it is inspiring: not everyone has the opportunity to travel, after all, and I certainly don’t believe that you have to travel to be a well-rounded person.
This quote from Anthony Bourdain’s first memoir (the fantasticKitchen Confidential, which helped propel him to stardom), has always stuck with me:this is exactly how I feel arriving in a new destination and becoming intoxicated by just how much I love it.
Whether you’re flying thousands of miles to lay on a pristine beach in Bali or taking a short drive to go leaf-peeping nearby, you already know your friends and family will want to follow along on your enviable adventures. Nowadays, as you walk out the door with your luggage in tow, people will often tell you to "have fun" and "post on IG!" in the same breath. (What happened to the days of "We’ll miss you dearly," right?) Once you’re at your destination, you might have a bounty of breathtaking photos to post but find yourself speechless when it comes to writing Instagram captions to go along with them.
When you're feeling the pressure to write a clever caption that lives up to those gorgeous photos, don't waste a moment of hard-earned vacation time hemming and hawing over a sentence or two. We put together this list of cute, silly and inspirational travel Instagram captions for those times when you don’t have the patience or energy to come up with something on your own. Pick one for now, save some for later and get back to enjoying your trip.
If you need to get more specific, we also have beach inspired ideas, quotes about traveling with your bestie and sayings for when you get you back in touch with nature.
As the deputy editor ofWoman’s Day, Andra (she/her) oversees all print content for the brand. She is a former editor atGood Housekeeping,Redbook,Real SimpleandPeople. Over the course of her 13 year career, she’s covered every inch of the lifestyle space, and has interviewed hundreds of experts on topics including but not limited to relationships, etiquette, personal finance, technology, organization, travel, fashion, beauty, and sustainability. (She's also interviewed a few celebrities, ask her for Kim Kardashian's eBay shopping secrets.) During her off hours, Andra enjoys Thai dramas and long walks down the snack aisle.

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