caption for giveaway

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Assalamu’alaikum, sesuai janji kami.@... akan mengadakan GIVEAWAY lagi nih.Caranya selalu gampang banget lho.1. Yang pasti wajib follow akun kami @....2. Repost postingan ini, dan pastikan akun kamu tidak di private yah agar kami bisa cek repostnya.3. Like 3 postingan terbaru di instagram kami yah.4. Komen alasan kamu kenapa berhak mendapatkan hadiahnya dan tag 3 org sahabat yg berarti buat kamu.5. Pemenang akan diumumkan sewaktu-waktu.a. Pemenang pertama berhak mendapatkan hadiah A.b. Pemenang kedua berhak mendapatkan B.c. Pemenang ketiga berhak mendapatkan C.d. Hadiah hiburan untuk 10 orang pemenang beruntung berupa voucher diskon 10 % yang berlaku selama 1 bulan.Semoga rezeki kamu ya gaes, jangan lupa berdoa karena Allah yang menentukan segalanya
GIVEAWAYUntuk 21 orang pemenang!Yuk ikutan dan ajak teman-temanmu!.Caranya gampang:1. Follow akun @... dan like postingan ini2. Tulis “Yuk Ikutan” dan mention 5 temanmu di kolom komentar.3. 1 orang HANYA BOLEH tulis di komentar 1 kali. Lebih dari 1 akan kami di diskualifikasi.4. Likes 5 post lain dari @...5. Akun tidak boleh private / dikunci_Cukup like post ini, kalian sudah bisa dapetin hadiah giveaway menarik! Gampang kan?_1 pemenang beruntung akan mendapatkan hadiah XXXXX dan20 pemenang lainnya akan mendapat official merchandise exclusive dari kamiPara pemenang akan dipilih acak dan keputusan tidak bisa diganggu gugat_Periode Giveaway mulai tanggal..........._Yuk segera ikutan dan ajak temanmu juga ya!!_
2). Like postingan ini 3). Repost postingan ini di story dan tag @... 4). Jika sudah , coment done + dimana kamu tinggal , contoh : Done + Surabaya 5). Dilarang unfollow setelah GIVEAWAY berakhir ! ketahuan? akan di blacklist

If you’re struggling to gain traction on Instagram, running Instagram giveaways might just be your ticket to getting attention from the platform’s millions of users. After all, everyone loves free stuff, right?
Seeing how other brands have structured successful giveaways as well as the giveaway text and captions they used can help give you ideas and help you understand what works. You can useInstagram Story Viewerto analyze the response from stories, and here are 12 Instagram giveaway examples (with captions & more):
Fraser Hill Farm takes an innovative approach with this Instagram giveaway. The grand prize is two tickets to see the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall for an unforgettable Christmas experience. Instead of laying out all the requirements in their Instagram post announcing the contest, they direct followers to the link in their bio, which takes them to a page with several options for engaging with the brand, including voting for the 2021 Fraser Hill Farm ornament, becoming an influencer, and more, along with entering the contest to win Rockette Christmas Spectacular tickets. There, you can click on that option to navigate to the entry page, where you’ll enter your email address, like @FraserHillFarm on Twitter, and follow @fraserhillfarm on Instagram. Plus, for each time you share and a friend enters, you’ll get one extra entry. This is a great example of using an Instagram giveaway to get boost your new followers on multiple social media platforms while encouraging shares and engagement.

In this Instagram giveaway, @becky_overbeck_fitness_ partners with several collaborators to offer a giveaway bundle featuring a handmade bracelet, a FRÉ t-shirt and beach bag, and several other products. To enter, participants need to like the post, follow @becky_overbeck_fitness_ and three other profiles, and tag four friends. Sharing the post in your stories earns extra entries, which encourages engagement to boost exposure for all four collaborators.
Navitas Organics broadens the appeal of tagging friends in this Instagram giveaway by offering an entry for every friend you tag in the comments – without a limit on the number of entries you can earn. To enter, Instagram users must also like the post, follow @navitasorganics and @altereco_foods (the company providing the giveaway goods), and tag at least one friend in the comments. This giveaway taps into #WorldChocolateDay for more exposure, and the prize is perfect for the occasion: a bundle of delicious chocolate fair-trade goodies from @altereco_foods.
Giveaway events are one of my all-time favorite marketing strategies. It’s a catchy way to capture the attention of potential customers and introduce them to your brand. This timeless marketing tactic works even better in the food industry where taste and smell are so important. There is an entire community of people that loves eating the free samples at Costco. As a consumer, I’ve discovered many new food products, drinks, and snacks in this way.

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